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Integrating Humanistic, Psychodynamic, and
Culturally-Sensitive Approaches


All of us have experienced something traumatic, whether that feels like something that has affected our lives in an ongoing way or it was an event that remains difficult (even if we feel we have mostly worked through it and moved on).  Dr. Paul has specialized in working with trauma in all of the ways it can present, from diagnostic issues like PTSD, Dissociation, Characterological Concerns, Grief, or Adjustment Issues, to reprocessing and working through of important events that are not necessarily part of a diagnostic concern.  

Sexuality and Gender Concerns

Issues related to sexuality and gender may be difficult for many people, whether this is related to healthy functioning, sexual or gender identity issues, nontraditional relationships, trauma, or other concerns.  Dr. Paul is LGBTQIA-affirmative in his approach.



We experience life in relationships to ourselves and others.  Often therapy focuses on what has felt hard or is not working in our connections with others.  Dr. Paul actively considers how our history and current relationships inform our presenting concerns, also considering how the therapeutic relationship can be a new, lived experience of what challenges us outside of the therapy office.  

Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy

Dr. Paul has worked with many couples in his career.  Couples work can feel especially challenging at first, given that the issue that brought the couple into counseling often feels impossible or unbearable at the moment.  However, many times the presenting issue is tied to a deeper or longer concern in the couple (which may be tied to communication, old hurts, and so on).  Many times the work becomes focused on both the immediate presenting concern and the deeper issues that allowed that concern to become problematic.  

Existential/Personal Growth Concerns

Dr. Paul has consistently worked with clients who are functioning pretty well overall and whose concerns are not necessarily diagnostic.  However, these clients want to work though places they get stuck with themselves, family, in career, etc. This work is essentially about meaning-making, grieving, what makes a good life, and so on.  Some clients continue this work in an ongoing way, and some come for a season of work at important times in their lives.  

Adolescent Therapy
What About Other Presenting Issues?

Dr. Paul has worked with a variety of other presenting issues throughout his career.  Many clients struggle with anxiety, depression, or other concerns.  Please see his information on Psychology Today or reach out for more details.  

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